Strontian Hills

The Strontian Corbetts and Ardgour hills provide a wonderful variety of hill walking. Often looked at from the Munros they are all big and often rocky hills. We will be exploring some of the best walking in Scotland whilst in Strontian.

Sgurr Dhomhnuill

Sgurr Dhomhnuill

Sgurr Dhomhnuill is the highest peak in Ardgour and rises above the beautiful Ariundle oakwoods National Nature Reserve. We head out from the car park at the reserve on good paths through the mixed deciduous woodland. Climbing steadily we come out of the trees and through the abandoned Strontian lead mines. A mineral called Strontianite was discovered here and the element Strontium. We ford the stream beyond the spoil heaps and pick up a faint path uphill. It is rough walking and the path comes and goes as we weave through boggy and rocky ground. The views up towards Sgurr Dhomhnuill and it’s lower top Sgurr na h-Ighinn are fantastic.

As we get higher the ridge becomes more defined and we will aim to traverse Sgurr na h-Ighinn on the way. It’s a rocky peak, but no real difficulties. A steep descent and then we are on the final broken summit slopes of Sgurr Dhomhnuill. It looks much worse than it is and soon we will be enjoying the superb views across the Strontian Corbetts and Ardgour hills. The route back is much the same though we will bypass Sgurr na h-Ighinn on the return journey. A real classic!

Distance: 18km Ascent: 950m Time: 7-9hrs

Beinn Resipol

Beinn Resipol

Standing in isolation between Loch Shiel and Loch Sunart, Beinn Resipol has superb views. We head up from the campsite and follow a good path through the mixed woodlands. It becomes very boggy on leaving the woodlands, but we can finally see Beinn Resipol. The path has some intermittency issues as it weaves up the hillside passing waterfalls and ravines. The final slopes are much rockier as the summit and it’s views are finally reached. We return the same way though we have the option of leaving a car at Ariundle and doing a traverse if weather permits!

Distance: 12km Ascent: 850m Time: 5-7hrs

Garbh Bheinn

Garbh Bheinn

Every time you cross the Ballachulish bridge Garbh Bheinn dominates the view with its impressive shape. We head up from a loop of the old road and begin to weave our way between boggy ground and rocky outcrops. The higher we climb the rockier the terrain and often the need for some easy scrambling. It is a steep climb and when the southern summit is reached the views really open up. The way over to the top of Garbh Bheinn looks worse than it is and soon enough we will be enjoying lunch at the top. We will return the same way to enjoy the views back into Glencoe. 

Distance: 8km Ascent: 1000m Time: 5-7hrs


Group size is limited to a maximum of 6 people. To book your place on this walk please read my booking information and complete a booking form using the button below.